The Moorhead Legacy Education Foundation announces their gift of $25,000 to Moorhead Area Public Schools. The gift was made passible by generous donors and their annual "Food For Thought" campaign during Giving Hearts Day 2022. Food For Thought provides milk and snack to students on food assistance programs - snack break is often a student's first meal of the day when there is no food at home. To date, the Legacy Foundation has distributed over $132,000 to to Moorhead Schools for Food For Thought, so students can learn at their greatest potential.
To be a business partner or match donor during 2023's Giving Hearts Day, contact us at [email protected]. MLEF awarded Spud Impact Grants this fall over the district's Professional Development break in November. In all, $8,500 was awarded to 22 projects or activities within the district.
Congratulations to the following awardees and their project or activity:
This year's gala was held on October 1st at the new Moorhead Career Academy. The annual fundraiser event celebrates the past year's accomplishments in supporting Moorhead Area Public Schools, and is coordinated with Homecoming and the district's Hall of Honor event. Catering was provided by Moorhead Area Public Schools - a new program operated by their dining service. Thanks to sponsors and donations, over $35,000 was raised to further MLEF's mission. Visitors can view the program with special thanks to our Production Sponsor, LIVEWIRE. MLEF's Annual Newsletter has gone electronic! MLEF's 2021-22 impact for Moorhead Schools is outlined in our e-Newsletter, here. To sign up for our emails, simply subscribe to the button at the end of the email. GO SPUDS!
As we prepare for the new school year, please help MLEF welcome our newest board members, Stephen Astrup, Allie Bondy, and Julie Wilson.
On Wednesday, MLEF presented 88 graduating MHS seniors with over $100,000 in Spud Scholarships, as well as 4 Post-Secondary scholarship awards to MHS Alumni currently pursuing their degrees! Awardees and the named scholarships that they won will be published in an upcoming edition of The Extra.
Many scholarships are awarded directly by the foundation with help from our annual Phonathon. Others are funded by individuals, families/memorials, MHS class reunions and businesses/organizations in the community. We thank these entities for the investment made in the continued education pursued by our Moorhead students. Congratulations to our 2022 Spud Scholars! MLEF is pleased to partner with the FM Area Foundation's Caring Catalog. The Caring Catalog goes live on November 29th and runs through December 13th. There will be special incentive games and contests each week on social media to help participating organizations win bonus prizes toward goals of up to $10,000.
Donations to MLEF through the Caring Catalog will go toward Spud Impact, a program of MLEF to help support students and staff with classroom projects, activities and facility upgrades. Donate here: •Carrie Hartwig, Horizon West - Student Leadership Team
•Daniel Dooher, Horizon West - "Show Me On the Walls of the Library" project - posters of diverse students reading to be hung in the library. •Isidro Lopez, Horizon East - Literature for students in a "self-contained" classroom. •Jenna Trosvik, Horizon West - 3D Geometric Shapes •Sherri Dryburgh, Horizon West - Owl Pellet Dissection •Joe Lindquist, Horizon West - Good Fit Guitars •Ann Woell, Dorothy Dodds Elementary - Attend the 2021 Impact Education One-Day Conference •Alison Bendickson, Early Intervention Services - Early Intervention Toy Pantry •Nicole Groves, Robert Asp Elementary - Sensory Room •Julie Reno, High School - TI-84 Calculators on Chromebooks •Natalie Anderson-Foshag, High School - Chromebooks for Paraprofessionals •Brad Neznik, High School - Low Chairs High Impact •Angie Jelinek/Gabe Lassila, High School - Hyrdoponics! - a global Agriculture course project of growing plants in a sustainable way. |
June 2024